`DevOps is a failure` by Lee Briggs

A brief article regarding the failure of DevOps; with an offering of a new, more focused, replacement. https://leebriggs.co.uk/blog/2022/06/21/devops-is-a-failure

Is Swoole the best of both worlds? Golang inspired PHP server with coroutine, channels, defer, et al.

These days async programming is all the rage. It is no surprise when a language community publishes another library or runtime to support the async…

Case Study: Miro and AWS

So proud to be a team member at Miro, so awesome! The case study by AWS is the latest cap stone of my time with…

Generate a SSH key via Terraform for EC2

As one of the longest lasting forms of access authentication Secure Shell (SSH) is a core tool used in every day computing. Additionally, it comes…