Neat short Docker intro including making a JS application

Over at they did a nice write up on the basics of Docker Images, Compose and setting up a basic NodeJs app. Check it out at .

And end of an era. My time with Sourcetoad is coming to a close.

My time is soon coming to an end with the Sourcetoad team. It has been an amazing four years. From scruffy startup to respectable dev…

Tutorial: Using Docker_Puppeteer_Jest to execute a headless Chrome End-to-End (user/acceptance) testing suites.

The problem: We know that unit testing is an essential part of software engineering (at least we should all know that). Integration testing assure us…

Run your End-to-End tests using headless Chrome; Docker_Puppeteer_Jest Docker Image is announced!

About a year ago myself and @ibotpeaces sat down for a couple hours to to put together a docker images with headless Chrome that we…

Space Nerd; My name is going to the sun!

As part of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, NASA is taking names that will be placed on a micro-chip and carried with the prove into close…

KSP 1.4 Released

those of you that know me know I like KSP (Kerbal Space Program); a near-hard physics rocket and inter-planetary simulator. Well, the newest point release…